
回复时间:2014-09-20 00:14:48

  Now Open: Competition for Chancellor‘s International Scholarships

  The competition for Chancellor’s International Scholarships has now CLOSED for entry in October 2012.

  We aim to communicate results by the end of March 2012. Please do not contact the Graduate School to check the result of your application before early April.

  For entry in October 2012, Warwick will offer to approximately 17 of the most outstanding international PhD applicants –

  -The full payment of overseas tuition fees (worth up to £14,600 at 10/11 rates)

  -A maintenance stipend in line with RCUK rates (worth £13,590 at 10/11 rates)


  i) Applicants for a Chancellor‘s International Scholarship must also be applying for a PhD at the University of Warwick to begin in October 2012;

  ii) Applicants must expect to be ’overseas‘ students for fees purposes, but there is no other nationality criteria;

  iii) Applicants may be from any discipline at Warwick.

  Please note that unlike Chancellor’s Scholarships (formerly WPRS), Chancellor‘s International Scholarships are not open to current first year PhD students, but only to applicants for a PhD.

  How to apply

  The application process will be wholly combined with the applications for Chancellor’s Scholarships (formerly WPRS) and all applicants for a Chancellor’s International Scholarship will automatically also be considered for a Chancellor‘s Scholarship. Please read the guidance thoroughly before applying. Only applicants who score very highly on the Scoring Criteria are likely to have a realistic chance of success.

  Tough Times – Full Support: Announcing the Chancellor’s International Scholarships

  The University of Warwick announces a new funding package for doctoral students which will allow full-fees scholarships plus maintenance awards for international students to complement its existing Warwick Postgraduate Research Scholarships. The new Chancellor’s International Scholarships will, for the first time, offer international doctoral students of the highest calibre full fee support. Seventeen three-year awards will be available for entry in October 2012. The University of Warwick values its increasingly developed reputation as an international university, and the Chancellor’s International Scholarships demonstrate the University’s commitment to fully supporting its most talented students, no matter their national origin.

华威大学(The University of Warwick)
  • 院校名称:华威大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1965年
  • 世界排名:62 世界排名:10
  • 学生人数:24000人
  • 院校地址:Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/warwick/
  • 华威大学(The University of Warwick) 位于英国英格兰中部考文垂市和华威郡交界处,是一所稳居英国前十、世界百强的顶尖研究型大学,也是英国“常青藤”罗素大学集团...…[详细介绍]


