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回复时间:2013-12-04 23:21:53
该大学没有中心校园,学校的建筑和设施遍及全城,大多距城市中心区仅有数步之遥。主要校园有四处:MountPleasant校园:艺术专业和专业性的学科;ByromStreet校园:保健、理科和工科专业;HenryCotton校园:人文和社会科学;IMMarsh校园则侧重于教育与社区教学。主学生会位于MountPleasant校园内的Haigh大楼中。其设施包括崭新的综合娱乐区,名为Cooler,还有酒吧、商店、夜总会、打印社、银行、聚会场所、咨询中心和就业服务中心等等。属于学生会的各种设施和商店遍及全校。该校的学生杂志《Shout》和学社电台Shout FM非常专业,曾经在全国获奖。该大学的图书馆有学习与信息中心之称,座落在校内三处学习资源中心的中间地段。除50万册藏书之外,馆内的设施还有一流的计算机检索系统、复印、报纸、音像资料与电视。学生随处都可以使用计算机设备。Unix系统主要用于工程、计算机辅助设计(CAD)、和优质图形设计项目,而装有标准行业用软件的PC机也非常多。网上和CDROM中的学习资料也越来越多。
Introduction to the Liverpool John Moores University
Its history goes back to the Liverpool Mechanics and Apprentices‘ Library of 1823, but since becoming a university in 1992, Liverpool John Moores has embraced the future and innovation. It started by naming itself after the local owner of the football pools and continued by promoting itself through the draw of the city’s pleasurepots.
Liverpool John Moores‘ forward thinking shows in its marketing, but also in the services and facilities that it provides for students. As well as a cutting-edge media centre, it has two resource centres that serve different academic areas. Using computer-based learning in place of lectures means that academics have time to to teach students one-on-one or in small tutorial groups.
The pleasures of living in the city itself and all that goes on there is a factor in the growth in student numbers. And, with sites all over Liverpool, John Moores is more closely entwined with the city’s life than its redbrick rival. More students come from close by - 63% of full-time first years came from within 50 miles in 1997/98; at Liverpool University, the figure was 40%.
Liverpool has its recommendations: it is home to the Tate and, of course, Cream nightclub, and John Lennon studied here. The students‘ union attracts students from across the city. No wonder that John Moores’ students work hard and play hard.
John Moores focuses on vocational courses such as building and pharmacy and chemistry. American studies has also fared well of late. Links with industry and an active approach to work help graduates find employment.
![利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学(Liverpool John Moores University)](http://img2.liuxue360.com/img/2018/03/12/13404268_s.jpg)
- 院校名称:利物浦约翰摩尔斯大学
- 学校类型:公立大学
- 建校时间:1823年
- 世界排名:78
- 学生人数:24000人
- 院校地址:70 Mount Pleasant, Liverpool L3 5UA
- 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/uk/ljmu/
- 利物浦约翰摩尔大学(Liverpool John Moores University)坐落于英格兰北部的利物浦,其历史可以追溯到1823年。该校是一所现代化的大学,共有四个校区,学校以“梦想、...…[详细介绍]