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回复时间:2013-09-02 23:46:55
下面介绍下莫纳什大学一个1年学制的专业:Master in Organisational Leadership
专业偏向于管理学,类似工商管理。性价比很高,学制1年,总学费为:2013年学费还未出 校区:Clayton(主校区)
Core units
EDF6821 Power, authority and decision-making
EDF6822 Leadership and organisation
EDF6823 Management and change
EDF6828 Resource management
Research methodology units
EDF6005 Reading, interpreting and communicating research (12 points)
EDF6006 Introduction to quantitative research methods (12 points)
EDF6007 Qualitative approaches to research (12 points)
EDF6008 Working with theory in research (12 points)
EDF6009 Special topic in research (12 points)
EDF6012 Specific focus in research A (6 points)
EDF6013 Specific focus in research B (6 points)
Career opportunities
The Master in School Leadership is designed to meet the needs of teachers from all sectors who aspire to curriculum leadership and principalship roles in schools. It is an excellent choice for educators who are interested in learning about and developing their capacity for leadership.
Facilitating a higher level approach to key issues within the profession, this program is ideally suited to those seeking curriculum leadership roles in literacy or numeracy and/or principalship in school settings. The program will enhance professional development and inspire individuals to take the next step in their career.

- 院校名称:蒙纳士大学
- 学校类型:公立大学
- 建校时间:1958年
- 世界排名:58 世界排名:6
- 学生人数:56144人
- 院校地址:Wellington Road,Clayton,Victoria 3800,Australia
- 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/monash/
- 莫纳什大学(Monash University),也称为莫纳什大学。世界百强名校,是澳洲八大名校(Group of Eight)的盟校成员。于1958年由国会建立,是维多利亚州的第二所古老的大...…[详细介绍]