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回复时间:2012-10-28 23:06:56
Hunters Hill High School(http://school.liuxue360.com/au/huntershd-hs/)said:Hunters Hill High students develop a strong sense of belonging and connectedness with their school, their fellow students and teachers. Within the Hunters Hill High community, young boys and girls develop intellectually, socially and culturally and emerge as young men and women who are confident and adept at relating to, and working with, both males and females within an international world.

- 院校名称:猎人山中学
- 学校类型:公立中学
- 建校时间:0年
- 学生人数:0人
- 院校地址:Reiby Rd Hunters Hill NSW 2110
- 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/au/huntershd-hs/
- Hunters Hill began to develop as a suburb in the 1850's under the entrepreneurial skill of the brothers, Joubert. Although close to the city of Sydney, it was...…[详细介绍]