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回复时间:2012-06-03 01:30:04
麦吉尔大学(http://www.001ca.com/mcgill/) McGill University has a comprehensive scholarship and award program to recognize, honour and encourage the outstanding achievements of its undergraduate students at different levels of study. As a result of the generosity and philanthropic support of its donors as well as funding from the University, McGill is the beneficiary of various endowments, bequests and trusts (some dating back to the nineteenth century) that fund the awards offered to students by central administration and by the faculties.
In 2010-11, both One-year and Renewable entrance scholarships valued at $2.7 million were awarded to 800 students.
US & international overseas students receive approximately 20% of all University undergraduate scholarships
Scholarships and awards fall under the jurisdiction of the Committee on Enrolment and Student Affairs (CESA) and the central University program of awards is administered by the Scholarships and Student Aid Office (SSAO). We offer millions of dollars annually to outstanding students, including:
Entrance Scholarships
In-Course Scholarships & Awards
Activity Awards
Athletic Awards
For a comprehensive list of all awards with detailed descriptions and eligibility requirements, please consult the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Calendar.
Prospective Donors! Please click here for information on how to help support promising students at McGill.
![麦吉尔大学(McGill University)](http://image.liuxue360.com/school/2011/07/18/17142_4.jpg)
- 院校名称:麦吉尔大学
- 学校类型:公立大学
- 建校时间:1821年
- 世界排名:35 世界排名:1
- 学生人数:32000人
- 院校地址:3415 McTavish St.,McLennan Library Building, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0C8
- 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/ca/mcgill/
- 麦吉尔大学(McGill University),简称McGill,坐落在世界最大的英法双语城市蒙特利尔,是一所蜚声全球的世界顶尖名校。…[详细介绍]