
  • 提问人:同学
  • 向提问
  • 提问时间:2012-05-18 16:35:22




回复时间:2012-05-18 19:26:08

Tuition fees 2012-2013 Which Tuition Fees Will I Need to Pay?

Inholland has two types of student tuition fees: statutory tuition fees or institutional tuition fees. Students eligibility to pay the lower statutory tuition fees must meet three conditions. If you are unable to meed these conditions, you will pay the higher institutional tuition fees.

Statutory Tuition Fees
The following conditions determine eligibility for the payment of statutory tuition fees:

Resident in the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg or in one of the following states forming part of the Federal Republic of Germany: North Rhine-Westphalia, Lower Saxony and Bremen (this residence must be demonstrable), and,
A national of the Netherlands, Surinam or Switzerland or of one of the EEA member states, or falling under one of the groups of individuals stated in Section 2.2(1) of the Student Finance Act 2000 (Wet studiefinanciering 2000), and,
Students may not already have attained a Bachelor or Master's degree after 1 September 1991, for a programme included in the Central Register of Higher Education Study Programmes (Centraal Register Opleidingen Hoger Onderwijs (CROHO)). An exception to this condition will apply for individuals that do already have a degree, but who are now registering for an education or healthcare programme for the first time. These individuals will be eligible for the payment of statutory tuition fees.
If you meet the conditions mentioned above, you will be eligible for the payment of statutory tuition fees. The statutory tuition fees for academic year 2012-2013 (starting on 1 September) will be:

Bachelor/Associate Degree Full-time/cooperative-education € 1,771
Bachelor/Associate Degree Part-time € 1,480
Master Full-time/cooperative-education/part-time € 1,771

Institutional Tuition Fees

If you do not meet the conditions applicable for statutory tuition fees, you will pay institutional tuition fees.

The institutional tuition fees for academic year 2012-2013 (starting on 1 September) will be

Bachelor/Associate Degree Full-time/cooperative education € 7,169
Bachelor/ Associate Degree Part-time € 6,896
Master Full-time/cooperative-education/part-time € 7,169
If you meet the residence and nationality requirements, but are enrolled for a second Bachelor or Master's degree that you started in academic year 2010-2011 or earlier, a transitional arrangement applies for you.

Administrative Charge
Students that pay their tuition fees in instalments will be subject to a one-off administrative charge of € 24.

Deregistration and Refunds

If you are paying institutional tuition fees and decide to deregister from your programme before the end of the academic year, you will only be eligible for a refund in certain cases. This restriction does not apply when paying statutory tuition fees.

Interim Changes

If you find that you are only able to meet the conditions applicable for the payment of statutory tuition fees later in the year, you will be required to pay institutional tuition fees until this time. Conversely, where you find that you no longer comply with the conditions later in the academic year, (high) institutional tuition fees will apply as of this time.

Where the information we have is incomplete and we find, during the course of the academic year, that you have already attained a degree certificate in the past, for example, your tuition fees will be adjusted.

Second Study
If you are starting a second study with effect from 1 September 2012 before completing your first study, for which you are paying statutory tuition fees.

If you are registered for a study at Inholland and are paying institutional tuition fees and you want to do a second stud

荷兰大学(Holand University)
  • 院校名称:荷兰大学
  • 学校类型:公立大学
  • 建校时间:1986年
  • 学生人数:0人
  • 院校地址:Postbus 287 2980AG RIDDERKERK
  • 中文介绍:http://school.liuxue360.com/nl/holland/
  • 荷兰大学(HolandUniversity)位于阿姆斯特丹近郊的迪曼,是一所高等专业大学,荷兰大学1986年由多所专业院合并而成,该校与荷兰其他大学一样,由政府资助,荷兰教育部...…[详细介绍]


